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Camera Crews
  • LA
  • NYC
  • São Paulo
  • London
  • Paris
  • Dubai
  • Vienna
  • Shanghai
  • Tokyo
  • Sydney

The Camera Department AUSTRIA  

We’ll provide you with a top video camera crew and manage them for you, so you can focus on the important things.

Your video shooting project is urgent? We’ll move super fast, we’ll answer all of your questions and concerns in detail.

Talk soon 

Dubaj cameraman

  • Creative filmmaker & Director of Photography 
    A comprehensive mash-up,  of handpicked intuitive creative DoPs with there camera crews, guarantee a consistent look for global brands. We keep many awarded  Director of Photography, skilled on corporate film, commercial, music videos and multi-camera setups.   
  • Flexible Camera Crews   
    Our multi-purpose ENG Teams and Camera Operator who support advanced technical skills to shoot with Steadicam Visual Storyteller since 2 Gen for the sophisticated Broadcaster and Corporates.
  • Professional Video Crews
    Our  Professional Video Crew, trained in hundreds of live events know how to tell your Story by covering soft news, Interviews. Video journalism and Reporter,  the solution for last-minute coverage, conferences, fairs, tourism promotion or event live speaker camera. 


Stay in touch